Additional information
Bottle Size: | 1.2 oz. Oil Base (flip top), 2.0 oz. Liquid (spray pump), 2.5 oz. Oil Base (dropper cap), 2.5 oz. Liquid (spray pump), 8 oz. Liquid (screw cap), 16 oz. Liquid (screw cap), 1/2 Gallon Oil Base (64 oz), 1 Gallon Oil Base (128 oz) |
Ron Pierce –
Was a pleasure meeting you today & I’d like to give your product a review.
I’ve archery hunted Southwestern PA for 4 decades plus & used a wide variety of lures over my years – But I gotta say I was very impressed with your Flaming Seduction & Buck Preorbital. Took this 10 pt in mid October last year & as you know that’s definitely not peak time here. I sprayed the Flaming Seduction on the soles of my rubber boots about 50 yds before my stand & sprayed the Buck Preorbital on 3 different hanging branches along my route in to my stand. This guy came in about 6:00 Pm, (early for not being in the rut), nose to the ground & stopped at each branch I had sprayed with the Buck Preorbital – The last branch being 8 yds away broadside where I double lunged him with a 45 yd recovery. After decades of archery hunting I was shocked to see his “rut-like” behavior this early in the season. Maybe the only downfall to my review is that it happened so quick on only my 3rd evening sit that I feel like I missed potentially a lot more action, lol! Needless to say I’ll be using your products again this year & I’m sure you’ll be getting another stellar review!
Thank you!
Ron Pierce
Brendan FitzSimmons –
I used your Flaming Seduction Oil-Base to trail along with your Doe Interdigital. Hung a wick soaked in Flaming Seduction liquid within 15 yds of my stand. This mature buck followed the trail at 11:00, right up to within 10 yds of my tree stand. Best deer scents/products on the market.
Thank you for the help on a successful hunt.
Brendan FitzSimmons
Don Hawkins –
I believe this is year 3 using your stuff and decided to try some Flaming Seduction Oil Base you offer and for the last two days have had at least 10 different bucks below me check up and all show a lot of interest in it! A deer I was after for 3 years made his final step yesterday morning here in central NC. My cell camera captured the shot! Thanks again for knowing your stuff and offering killer products.
Don Hawkins
Advance, NC
William Bedner –
Wasn’t the buck I had in mind but had to take advantage of the moment with my son there. Always have success with your Flaming Seduction premium doe in etrus, but also your Flaming Doe as well. Note this particular bottle was already a year old and the buck still came to it!
William Bedner along with my son Liam Bedner
Hunter Pegg –
My girlfriend, Haley, got her first buck ever the other day with a crossbow not long after I sprayed your Flaming Seduction on some leaves in front of the blind. He came in grunting with his nose up in the air. Thanks again for the great products!
Dave Kapinskis –
Mr. & Mrs Pollick,
The very same day I purchased the deer lure my Son Jonah Kapinskis age 9 rattled in a buck to a spot we sprayed! Dad made the shot.
Thank you!
Dave Kapinskis
Richard Brewer –
My wife Rebbecca T Brewer killed a 10 point with 3 kickers on 12/28/2023 in Berry Alabama. With the help of using the oil base Flaming Seduction. The buck came out in 15 minutes of putting it and had a small 6 point come to it after she shot the first deer . The deer was scored by woods and water in Tuscaloosa Alabama as gross score 135 3/8 . Thank you so much for the wonderful product you make the first sent that we have tried that worked in Alabama.
Richard Brewer
Mark Stonebraker –
First time user, referred by Paul of west wind scents in Kane. Relatively quiet first week of Nov hunting in the ANF until this guy came in with head down and mouth open around 10am. He was on a mission and moving at a steady pace. As soon as he got down wind of Flaming Doe scent wick stopped him dead in his tracks for a 10yd shoot. Thanks for the excellent product, will be back next year!
Mark Stonebraker
Woody Stewart –
Great products, great results!!! The pictures speak for themselves…. He came straight in nose in the air to the flaming seduction!!!!
Thanks Paul!
Woody Stewart
Ed Bleicher –
November 8 2022. 11 pts. 21 inch inside. At 2:30 pm using your October Cover Mist, Buck Urine Tarsal Plus, Buck Preorbital, and your Flaming Seduction Doe in heat.
Dan Druia –
Good afternoon, Paul.
Was good speaking with you the other day while placing another order of that Flaming Seduction. IMO the only and best!!!! This happened in 2017 . Sprayed some on the tail of a full size doe decoy. With a bit of rattling to get his attention when he got the whiff it was ALL OVER!!! The same year and a few days earlier my son had the same idea.
Fast forward to November 7th. Go time in the woods in Michigan. Set out a Montana doe with a touch of Flaming Seduction. Had several Buck trying mount her and couldn’t make much sense of there she is and where did she go being a 2D decoy. Then this guy showed up and gave me a great opportunity so I took it.
Thank you again for a GREAT Product!!
Please!!!! Don’t change a thing.
Justin Kipp –
Justin kipp 2021 archery harvest “the ghost”. Flaming Seduction and Buck Preorbital brought this buck out of hiding. Had him on camera the last 3 years and disappears when the season comes in.
Thank you!
Justin kipp
Michael Dahlstrom –
Purchased some Doe Urine Tarsal Plus and some Flaming Seduction Oil Base. Put some out early Friday morning November 5th and hunted, with little to no activity. It was very cold and frosty that morning. Finished hunting and found found scrapes about 60 yards away from my setup so I dropped some Flaming Seduction on the kicking branch above to let the wind carry the scent and sprayed a fine mist of doe urine tarsal plus onto the ground into the scrape. Returned that afternoon and at 540pm this guy came by down wind on a string to the scrape, before he got there I stopped him at 50 yards, broadside, and let the arrow fly. He ran about 50 yards before he crashed. What an awesome hunt. Thanks again!
Jonathan Bates –
Every year on Halloween, most kids go trick-or-treating. But not at the Bates residence. We go hunting! Like tradition, we headed out to the farm around 330pm. We set up around 75yds downwind of a scrape we found on the outskirts of our cut bean field. We put a camera up on scrape a week earlier and were getting pics of some great bucks. But all pics were at night. But we recently purchased a few products from Paul Pollick to try out and was eager to put them to the test. We freshened scrapes with buck tarsal and flaming seduction. Then pasted the licking branches with some buck pre-orbital and got into position for the evening sit. About 30min before dark, an absolute giant came directly to scrape. As soon as we seen him, we knew he was a shooter. He came in and pawed at the scrape. Not only did the scents bring him in, but it also kept him still long enough for my son to make a great shot. We ended up finding him piled up around 100yds from the scrape. Without your product, I doubt we would have ever seen this buck in daylight. We appreciate the work you do to keep fresh product available for hunters. I’m forever a customer.
Thanks again,
Jonathan Bates
Eric Fryer –
I absolutely cannot say enough great things about your fine quality deer lures. Another fun and successful Archery season. Shot a nice 8pt on 11-6-20 using Flaming Seduction. I sure hope my son and I can continue using your great lures and products for many more years to come.
Thanks again Paul, we really appreciate everything.
Sean Bordick –
I started using Paul’s Buck Preorbital and Complete Scrape on mock scrapes back in September. I got tons of pictures of different bucks and does using the scrapes. I even got pictures of two big bucks fighting multiple times in one night over a mock scrape. I got this buck on Halloween morning coming directly to a mock scrape that I had lured with the Buck Preorbital and Flaming Seduction. All of the action took place on Forest County PA public land.
Thanks Paul!
Jesse Hume –
I shot another decent buck last year using your deer lures. I always start with forehead scent at mock scrapes in August. I revisit them every week or so. I see and shoot plenty of deer. I only hunt public land with a bow.
Paul Pollick deer lures makes it easy to harvest.
Thanks a bunch!
Paul Collett –
I have used tinks 69 “doe in heat” for years and thought it worked pretty well. my buddy told me about Paul Pollicks scents last year and said that he heard it was awesome. We decided to give him a call and he actually answered the phone himself and he gave me a great deal of information and good advice on what to use and when to use it. I gave it a shot and bought his flaming doe in estrus and flaming seduction. I was in awe at how productive it was. We shot 4 nice bucks that week and they all came in like a freight train when they caught wind of it and we both passed up quite a few smaller bucks and many doe’s throughout the week . It was obvious that they thought there was a “hot” doe real close by. I highly recommend his scents if you’re a serious deer hunter. He explained to me how well they worked and he was absolutely right. He has it down to a science and its all real deer urine, glands, etc. Im so happy to have given it a shot and I will never buy anything else but his stuff from now on. Don’t waste your money. You have to try it yourself to believe it. Thanks Paul for your personal service and advice and I’m so looking forward to this year’s season.
Richard Kitchcart Sr. –
I am writing to tell you how wonderful your products are. My son, my grandsons, and I all used your products. In 2017 and 2018 we used your Flaming Seduction. In 2017 we got a 7 point, an 8 point, and a 10 point with your Flaming Seduction. In 2018, we got a 5 point, a 7 point, an 8 point, and a 9 point, and they were all lured in again using the same Flaming Seduction that we used from 2017.
And now so far this year in 2019 hunting season, we are using your Doe Urine Tarsal Plus. This year so far, we have lured in an gotten a 5 point, a 6 point, an 11 point, and a 12 point with this product—the product being over 11 years old. We love using these products! We would love to be able to use more. We are still using your Doe Urine Tarsal Plus. We are looking forward to using this the rest of the hunting season this year.
Thank you gratefully,
Richard Kithcart Sr.
Paul Pollick –
Did what you recommended. Using Buck Preorbital, Buck Interdigital, and Flaming Seduction. Just sprayed a few pumps of Flaming Seduction in the air after sitting a little while, minute later heard suction of hooves in the mud, there he was!
Thank you!
Gary Popp
Paul Pollick –
Paul it’s been a crazy year here in Missouri. I’ve only been able to get 3 deer on the ground. One of them was a youth hunter who was setting in a stand over a mock scrape line I started with your Authentic Scrape Starter. The other 2 were bucks I killed myself with your Buck Preorbital and Flaming Seduction using a drag line.
John Jackson
Kevin Szallar –
Hey Paul,
Just wanted to let you know… shot him at 7am today. He following a doe to one of the two scrapes I set up with the Doe Urine Tarsal Plus and a spray of Buck Sex Gland Scent.
Worked great!!!!!
Kevin Szallar
Scott Jackovitch –
Hi Paul,
I just wanted to say thanks for the great deer lures. Here is a picture and a link to my latest video. I had 4 bucks come into my stand within the first 30 minutes. I ended up shooting a nice Ohio buck using a Flaming Seduction scent wick and your October Cover Mist. Feel free to share the video if you wish. Man your scent had that young buck in the video totally confused.
Scott Jackovitch
Kurt Conroy –
Shout out to Paul Pollick’s Deer Lures!
Kurt Conroy
Jason Holl –
Skyler Holl’s Harvest 2019!
Skyler shot his first deer/buck as he stopped to investigate the spot where we had used the Flaming Seduction Lure. He circled downwind of us and seemed to pay no attention to us and came right in like he was attached to a string. I would recommend your lures to anyone.
Thank you so much. My dad (Rob Holl) shared your lure with us and it was pretty awesome.
Jason Holl
Thomas Miller –
Hey My name is Thomas!
I live in Hampton GA. This is by far the best lure I’ve used so far!! I put the tarsal gland out and 2hrs later, I saw some of the biggest bucks that I have ever had come out. Keep up the good work, you definitely have a new customer. I would give you a 10 star rating if I could!!!!
Also used Pollick’s Complete Scrape and Flaming Seduction.
God bless,
Thomas Miller
Kevin Kithcart –
Hi Paul,
I caught this buck last year with the Flaming Seduction – it worked very well. I would recommend this product to anyone that hunts.
Kevin Kithcart
Dalton Hoelzli’s –
2018 November 2, 3:09 in the afternoon. Shot with a Ross bow made by bowtech. Rage hypodermic came in at 20 yards after I did couple of grunts.

Dalton Hoelzli’s
Erik Pierwsza –
Tell Paul thank you! 3.5 hours after I left your place from picking up fresh scent Samantha harvested this beautiful buck that walked right into a buck decoy sprayed down with buck urine and two flaming doe scent wicks…. Awesome stuff!! Thanks again!!
Erik Pierwsza
Guy Euler –
Hi Paul,
I don’t score my deer but he would be in the upper 60’s low 170’s. I use Preorbital and Interdigital pretty much year round. He was taken over mock scrap line, 3 scrape in a line with your Preorbital and Interdigital. Started early in October with your Scrape Starter then freshened up with Dominant Buck Urine. Shot him at 9:30 in the morning of October 27 in Indiana. I’ve been using your products for 3 years, and this will be the 4th season this year. I added your Flaming Seduction to the others. Can’t wait to get started!
Thank you for working to make a great product!
Guy Euler
David Butler –
Hi Paul,
Flaming Seduction cost this 186″ Ohio brute his life, he was chasing a half racked eight point out of a bottom into a pasture when after crossing my Flaming Seduction scent wicks bombs he slammed on brakes raised his head to smell and received my arrow. Flaming Seduction was the key to me taking this buck of a life time.
David Butler
Eli Jackson –
Paul, I have been guiding him the last 2 days. This morning I freshened up a scrape line this morning and hung some Flaming Seduction. We set tonight and about 3:45pm this old guy was coming straight at us working the scrape line. It’s not the biggest deer in the woods but it’s his first buck and he was more than excited.
(Eli Jackson – Missouri)
Rusty Jackson –
Rusty Jackson (Missouri)
Steve Gibbs –
Your Flaming Seduction works amazing!
Steve Gibbs
Steve Dancho –
Last year we got a 10 point using your products. I wrote a testimonial and sent in pictures. I didn’t have any pictures with the scent bottle in it however. I didn’t make that mistake again this year. Thanks for the great products. Feel free to put the pictures and testimonial wherever you like. I was hunting alone and couldn’t take any pictures with the scent and the deer but at least I remembered to take some with the scent.
Another year past, another hunting season gone, another buck taking a permanent dirt nap thanks to Paul Pollick’s lures. This buck was a result of good stand placement, good timing, and some Flaming Seduction blowing into a bedding area. This is the second year in a row that Paul Pollick’s lures have brought a nice buck into bow range for me. Thanks for the great products. I look forward to using your products again this year to help me fill my buck tag.
Thanks again for the great products,
Steve Dancho (Vermont)
Brian Lagaza –
Hello Paul,
Just wanted to thank you again for your products. Went out today and shot a doe using of all things ….. Flaming Seduction (picture attached). She caught wind of the scent bomb and lip curled it in. She hung around and licked her rump for at least 2 minutes straight. Had me thinking it triggered some response to the estrus scent. If I had to choose between taking my bow into the woods or your lures…..I would take your lures. At least I would see deer. And that’s where the fun is for me. Take care and have a Merry Christmas!
– Brian Lagaza